Yakov Shapiro Приложения

Referral Links 33
Yakov Shapiro
This app lets you anonymously post your "invite friends" links fromother apps. It will show them to other anonymous users. The otherusers may help you get a referral bonus by signing up with yourlink. The app also lets you help other users with their signuplinks. It keeps score of how many times you have given and receivedhelp. If you help others more than they help you, the app willreward you by showing your own links to more people. HOW DO I GETMORE LINK CLICKS FROM OTHER USERS? There are a few things you cando. 1. Share links for multiple apps. There is no penalty forposting many links. Think of each of your links as a separatelottery ticket. The more tickets you have, the higher your chancesof winning. 2. Share better links. This app will try to show betterlinks to other users first. That is, a link to open a new bankaccount and get $50 will be shown to more people than a link to get$0.03 worth of bitcoin. All links are welcome here, but we want tomaximize the value that users get from our app. You can always signup for one of the other users' high value links and then post yourown invite link for the same app. 3. Help other users. We want tokeep things fair. Every time you help another user get a signupbonus, we increase your score and reduce that other user's score.You can check your score on the My Score page. Users with higherscore will, on average, have their links shown to others moreoften. A high score is not required to get clicks. We want everyoneto have a chance at referral bonuses, even if you do not have timeto help others. But a higher score does increase your likelihood ofgetting clicks. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET OTHER USERS TO HELP?It can take a while. We will keep your links in our system for atleast 60 days. You can always reset that timer by deleting andre-adding the link. Right now roughly half of our links get atleast one click, with a minority getting multiple clicks. CAN ISHARE A REFERRAL CODE? Absolutely. Just put your referral code inyour message and the other users will see it. IS THERE ANY BS? Yes!There's ads. Sorry. You can pay to remove them on the Settingsscreen if they bother you. Some referral links from other apps havegimmicks. They tell you it is a free $10, but what they mean is $10off an order of $100 or more, or $10 but you can't withdraw itright away, etc. We try to push them to the bottom of our list andput the links that give actual free money on the top. That said,you may still see that occasionally. Other than that, there is noBS in the app. We do not accept money from any other apps topromote their links. We do try our best to be fair. We do not spamyou or sell your information. We do check what apps you alreadyhave installed on your phone. But that's only to make sure we don'tgive you referral links to apps that you are already using. We donot save your list of installed apps in our database. Thank you forreading! Good luck with your referral bonuses!